Ruby Programmer/Developer

George Armhold's Blog

Data-driven webapps built with Ruby, Java & Wicket

UI Refresh- New Logo and Other Eye Candy

I spent some time (and some $$) prettying up the Quick Brown Frog user interface. I bought a logo from Logosamurai.  Not bad for $67.

Quick Brown Frog logo

Then I added some gauges to display WPM and accuracy in real-time. They’re part of the Google Visualization API, and they’re awesome.  That is, when they work. They don’t seem to work in IE8, so I’ve disabled them for that browser.

And they have some pretty odd resizing behavior: if you don’t explicitly specify a width attribute, the gauges will shrink every time you update the gauge value. It took me quite a bit of experimentation to figure that one out, but thankfully it seems to be working now.

speed test gauges

You can check out the changes in this typing speed test.

Quick Brown Frog Typing Tutor Is Launched!

After lots of helpful feedback from beta testers and Hacker News, my typing tutor app “Quick Brown Frog” is live and open for business!

Some of the things I changed in response to feedback include:

  • price reduction from $29.95 -> $9.95

  • support both Google Checkout and Paypal options for payment

  • stats reporting (WPM/Accuracy improvement over time)

  • report on frequently mis-typed keys after practice lessons

  • allow automatic single/double spacing after end of sentences (very frequently requested)

  • implemented crawlable Ajax links for SEO

  • plus many bug fixes for cross-browser compatibility

I consider this an MVP-level release, which means that it still needs lots of work and polish (in particular, the look-and-feel of the UI).

The important thing is to get it out there, and start getting feedback from actual customers. Absent that, I’d just be spinning my wheels.

Measuring Typing Accuracy

It turns out that measuring typing accuracy (how accurately you hit the intended keys) is non-trivial. A quick survey of the online typing courses out there shows that there is considerable confusion over how to correctly measure typing accuracy. One site actually gives a negative percentage if you backspace too many times!

This was kind of surprising to me. I figured it would take me perhaps 10 minutes to implement. It ended up taking a day and a half of my time, $10 spent on an ACM article, and some quality time with a recent CS grad’s PhD thesis. No joke.

Well, to be completely honest, in the end, the implementation was in fact fairly trivial. What was hard was figuring out what to measure. It’s more of a human problem than a technical one.

Why is this hard?

Your intuition might be to simply measure the ratio of correct characters to total characters typed. At first glance this seems OK, but consider the following case:

    intended: The quick brown frog jumped over the lazy fox.
actual : The quck brown frog jumped over the lazy fox.

If we match up the typed characters with what was expected, the accuracy of this typed statement is a very low 15 %. But looking at it from a human perspective, what were the actual errors here? The typist missed the “i” character in the word “quick”, and as a result the rest of the line was offset by one.  It seems like there ought to be a way to more accurately capture the fact that the user made a single typo. There is.

Edit Distance

Edit Distance is the number of operations required to transform one string into another. The operations include insertion, deletion and substitution. In this example, it requires only a single edit- ‘insert an i’.

Soukoreff’s thesis describes a Minimum String Distance Error Rate as the Edit Distance divided by the maximum of the lengths of the presented vs typed text, times 100%. For our “off by one” example above, the error rate is a mere 2%, i.e. 98% accurate. That seems more reasonable!

So for a while I was using the Levenshtein Distance algorithm to compute the edit distance, and hence the accuracy. This certainly worked better than my initial naive algorithm, but it still had a problem- What if the typist made lots of errors, but was fastidious about backspacing over the mistakes and correcting them? His error rate would be zero in this case, with an accuracy of 100%.

While correcting all your mistakes is admirable, it seems wrong to award a “100% accurate” rating to a typist sporting a bruised backspace key. Somehow, we’ve got to take the mistakes into account, even if they’ve been corrected.

Text-Entry Taxonomy

Soukoreff’s PhD thesis again provides a solution. Classify each of the keystrokes into one of the following categories:

  • C - Correctly typed

  • IF - Incorrect, but Fixed

  • INF - Incorrect, Not Fixed

  • F - Fixes, i.e. backspace or cursor movement used to correct mistakes

Using these classifications, he proposes a Total Error Rate defined as:

(INF + IF) / (C + INF + IF) * 100%

So, going back to our “off by one” example, if the typist noticed immediately that he missed the ‘i’ in ‘quick’, and backspaced to correct it,

The quc⌫ick brown frog jumped over the lazy fox.

the breakdown would be C: 47, F: 1, IF: 1,. INF: 0, for a total error rate of (0 + 1) / (47 + 0 + 1) = 2%, or 98% accurate. Same as using the Edit Distance alone, in this example.

But what if the user didn’t notice the mistake until 10 characters later? The input stream would look something like this:

The quck brown f⌫⌫⌫⌫⌫⌫⌫⌫⌫⌫ick brown frog jumped over the lazy fox.

What’s the error rate now? C:47, F:10, IF: 10, INF: 0, or (0 + 10) / (47 + 0 + 10) * 100% = 17.5%, or roughly 82% accurate. Aha!

I plugged this formula into Quick Brown Frog and watched the error rate go up and down while typing. Finally, it seemed to be doing the right thing- rewarding accurate, deliberate typing, and taking off points for outright mistakes as well expensive corrections.

Yet another example of why it’s hard to estimate software schedules- sometimes the ‘trivial’ is anything but.